If you wish to pay by bank transfer, you must use the dedicated Mangopay function. Contrary to paying by credit card or using a direct payment method, this payment method is not immediate. Payment may take up to a few days and will therefore be delayed.

Note: the option to credit your balance via bank transfer is only available if you have a euro account.

  1. Go to "My purchases: To be paid"
  2. Find the transaction and click on "Pay"
  3. Select the delivery method
  4. Under “Select your payment method”, select "Bank transfer"
  5. Read the instructions displayed carefully. They will enable you to make a payment to your bank. You can print the information by clicking on Capture d'écran 2024-02-14 072345.png

    Please note that the IBAN to which we invite you to make the transfer is personal to you.
    The communication is mandatory and specific to the payment request. It allows you to link your transfer to this payment request.
    Please note that the payment will not be made automatically via the website.You have to make the transfer yourself using these instructions

  6. When the transfer is processed by Mangopay, your seller will receive the payment in his Mangopay balance and the payment request will be marked as paid.

    If the communication is forgotten or truncated, the amount transferred will be added to your own Mangopay balance and you will have to pay your seller manually from this balance.